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Merry Month of May

I had great fun at the 2016 CLiPPA shortlist announcement hosted by Barnes Literary Festival on the 12th May. Last year's shortlisted poets (myself included) read some poems and we were treated to some very engaging performances of our work by children involved in the shadowing scheme. I had a chance to catch up with Roger McGough, John Hegley , Joe Coelho and Valerie Bloom, amongst others. A big congratulations to all this years shortlisted poets. A strong list! Winner to be announced on 13th July...

This was followed on the 15th May by a performance of' Poems and Pictures' in the Brighton Festival. The combination of Chris Ridell's live drawing alongside my reading of my poems proved to be a great success. The feedback was very positive and I very much hope to do more collaborative work with Chris in the future.

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