First and Last
This summer brings the return of my first, award-winning collection The Language of Cat - now back in print and updated with the perfect...

Winter Worries
Welcome back! 2020 has been a difficult year for everyone and I do hope that you've found something to cheer you up and help you get...

Real World Problems
Hello! I hope you are all well and safe in the difficult times. Like everybody else I'm currently in 'lockdown' and spending most of my...

Prizes and Picture Books
I'm back with some good news! In the Autumn my poetry collection A Kid in My Class was lucky enough to win the North Somerset Teacher's...

Longlists and Shortlists
I'm very pleased to hear that A Kid in My Class has been shortlisted for the North Somerset Book Award. The winner is announced in...

Summer Update: Welcome to My World
Following on from my Autism & Poetry project, I'm pleased to share with you the booklet of poems that we produced as a result of my time...

Spring News
At Easter, I finished my Arts Council funded Autism & Poetry project at Limpsfield Grange School. We celebrated our 15 month partnership...

Xmas Round Robin
A Happy Christmas to you all! Here's a quick Round Robin detailing my recent activities. I've really enjoyed introducing pupils to the...

Birth of a Book
I'm very pleased to announce the birth of my new book. Or rather the arrival of 34 pupils, 2 part-time teachers, a supply teacher, a...

Project & Prosopagnosia
Autism and Poetry It's June, and I'm underway with my poetry project at Limsfield Grange. We're slowly getting to know each other and...