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New Year News.

I'm welcoming in 2017 with some exciting news about the Betjeman Poetry Prize.

Chris Riddell (Children's Laureate and wonderful illustrator) and myself have been asked to judge the entries in this year's competition for young poets aged between 10-13 years.

The closing date for the competition is the 31st July 2017, so there's plenty of time to think about writing some poems based around the annual Betjeman Prize theme of 'Place'.

There are lots of exciting prizes to be had. The winner will receive £500 and a further £500 for their school. There's a residential weekend poetry camp for the top 6 winners, Eurostar tickets, and more.

Fifty of the best poems will also be published in an anthology - illustrated by Chris Riddell himself. Sounds tempting? Give it a shot!

And if you're a teacher reading this, why not get your class to enter? There's even a prize for the school that has the most entries.


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